Don't Tread on Liberty

5G: Your Health, Your Privacy, Your Freedom

February 08, 2022 Jason Davis Season 3 Episode 6
Don't Tread on Liberty
5G: Your Health, Your Privacy, Your Freedom
Show Notes Transcript

5G, the next revolution in wireless technology. It's terrible for your health. It's terrible for your privacy. Most of all, it's terrible for your freedom. What is the latest with 5G and how it's being used against you? Dr. Benjamin Benulis from Arizonan's for Safe Tech returns for an update. Don't miss this.

AZ for Safe Tech:

Children's Health Defense Arizona:

NIH posted research on correlations between 5G and and Covid-19:

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fighting back against the left's non stop attacks on liberty, freedom. And America, America. This is don't tread on liberty. Jason Davis is on the air.

Jason Davis:

Hey, welcome back to build Treta liberty. Thanks for being here. Jason Davis back with you. And something we haven't talked about in a little bit of time is 5g. Now, I spoke with an expert on 5g about three, four months ago. And we went over all the ins and outs, things that were happening with that. But there's been some new developments. And of course, this problem is not going away. So I want to bring him back. It's Dr. Benjamin menulis. He's with Arizonans for safe tech. Doc, thanks for coming back. How are you?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

I'm so good to be back. I'm doing excellent. Really looking forward to chatting again, here via guest second time. So thanks for having me.

Jason Davis:

Know, thanks for being had, as I always like to say. So when we talked before, you know, we really went through in detail on 5g, the privacy concerns with it, the health effects with it, you know, all the legal aspects of not being able to really stop these towers and, and all of these different things. For people who missed that show. Can you just kind of quickly give a recap? I mean, what is 5g? And why should we care?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Sure, so 5g is fifth generation wireless technology. So there's generations of wireless technology, cell phones, essentially. And just to give you some context, like 3g was when they invented text messaging. And then 4g was kind of a heavy data stuff that they brought in, when the iPhone came out, because everybody was, you know, sending a lot more data. And now, you know, they want to support even more data, for really just zap a lot information through the air with this 5g, so they have to create a whole new technology. And what ends up happening in order to do that, they got to make a whole bunch more cell towers. But now these cell towers, instead of being really high, up in the high up in the air, and far away, are now like every 500 feet in your neighborhood at about 50 feet 30 feet high. So the it enables a lot more radiation exposure, which is dangerous to health. And we'll talk about, you know, the implications of that with COVID. But then also, we talked about this privacy and security concerns, because the technologies, the way it's set up, can essentially surveil you without your consent. And so we're in a situation in the state of Arizona, where we have this law that was passed in 2017, called HB 2030 65, which basically says, It was like a rat. It was like a telecom racketeering bill, if it said, we're going to place this tower here, see, and you can't say no to it, see, and that's where it's gonna go see. And literally, we're in a place where they can literally build a tower on your front yard. And you can't say no. And so that's kind of the legislative situation we're in in the state, we have the worst bill of all 50 states for that. And so it's been a battle to fight it, for sure.

Jason Davis:

Unbelievable that this could even happen. And it's so funny, Arizona is like ground zero with so many of these issues. I just can't even believe it. I you know, the Bill Gates thing and Buckeye and all that stuff. I mean, it's it's just they got Arizona, like wrapped around their finger for some reason. Now, I just read some research. Yesterday, actually. And this was right on the NIH website, National Institute of Health website. It's out of the Journal of Clinical and Translational Research. They basically say they have evidence connecting mobile wireless radiation, including 5g to COVID-19. What do you know about that? And what do you think about it?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Sure. So let's let's be clear on this. What they're basically showing demonstrating in this article is not that 5g is the cause of COVID, or five G's or COVID is actually 5g or anything like that. What they're showing is that if you put them side by side, and you look at the what are the symptoms of COVID-19? And then you go, what are the symptoms of exposure of microwave radiation? It's like, they're pretty much the same. And so it begs the question, What the heck's going on here? So do we have evidence that there's a causal relationship that want like, you know, like I said, that like COVID, doesn't actually exist, it's really just radiation poisoning or, you know, COVID is really just 5g, or, you know, 5g was created. Like, we don't really know, but what we do know is that it's awfully fishy when you line the two of them up, you know, they both look pretty much the same.

Jason Davis:

They're kind of making the case in this paper that, like you said, that doesn't cause COVID. But what they're kind of making the case is that they think it may exacerbate the severity of symptoms. And that's basically what you're saying is that the symptoms of wireless radiation, pretty much the same as that from COVID. So they're, they're kind of thinking that it makes it worse if you do catch COVID. Which kind of makes sense, I think. Because if it if, look, you know that we have all this research going back 5060 years on the effects of wireless radiation, and if all of these things are true, and we know that then, you know, obviously, if you get sick, then this is only going to make it worse gonna compound the problem, am I on the right track?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Yeah, I mean, it's, that's one way of looking at it. I think, you know, exposure to radiation isn't isn't good for your health. I mean, we definitely know, we have, you know, 20,000 studies showing the health harms. I think, I mean, I can tell you my theory of what I think's going on, please. Um, so what I think happens is that this radiation essentially attenuates your nervous system and weakens your your nervous system and your immune system, which are really one thing he like really delve into the physiology of the nervous system and the immune system are interlinked and the nervous system regulates the immune system. And so it basically exposure to it to weakens your immune system and leaves you open to be infected by these opportunistic infections, such as SARS code to now we've seen this when other new wireless technologies have been brought on. Okay, we've seen corresponding disease outbreaks, alright, if we go back to h1 N one, okay, that was 2009. All right, that was when the 4g rollout happened, okay, because the iPhone came out in 2007. And everybody was texting their friends, YouTube videos, and all of a sudden, you know, we needed to shoot a lot more data through the air, they had to build new wireless towers. And then around that time, you know, flu outbreak. So you look back to the Spanish flu epidemic, okay, that was when they first really brought out radio towers, and we and we coded the earth and radio towers, sending signals back and forth. Well, you know, not everybody system can handle that kind of exposure, we kind of artificially selected for people who, who could survive that, because a lot of people got killed by that. And so if you look at something like HIV or AIDS, right, like people don't die of AIDS, okay, they die of AIDS, pneumonia, or they die of Kaposi sarcoma, okay, these are normally like Kaposi sarcoma is very rare. But when your immune system is weakened by AIDS, which, you know, you can say, well, that's actually the HIV virus or not, it's in the discussion. But these opportunistic infections happen that a normal healthy person would get pneumocystis jiroveci, it's a paramecium. Okay, you and I would never get infected by it. But if your immune system is really suppressed, it can get in there and give you a pneumonia. So what I'm saying is that basically, the radiation creates an immunocompromised immunosuppressed situation, and then a virus like h1 N one, or SARS, code, two can get in there more easily and cause harm.

Jason Davis:

And I think that makes a lot of sense. And, you know, like, in this paper, they're talking about blood changes, you know, with the red blood cells and oxidative stress and immunocompromised stuff, like you say, cardiac effects. So I mean, all this stuff they're pointing to. It's, it's kind of disturbing. It really is. Now, the last time we were talking about 5g, because you're, you know, heavily involved with Arizonans for safe tech. And you guys had a meeting with the city of Chandler and it sounded like, you might have an inroad there to get the city to kind of regulate these towers or the output of power. How is that coming?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Um, good question. So with the Chandler situation, we put some pressure on him for a while looked like they were gonna, they were gonna, you know, meet with us and then you know, how it works with city government officials? Oh, yeah, we really want to help you. This sounds like a great idea. And then they just kind of, you know, they disappear on you, you know, because you're not just putting, you know, money in their pocket. We didn't we didn't like we put the pressure on for a while. We got like, 70 people show up to a zoom call, but then people just kind of peter out and they they fatigue and they say Oh, someone else is gonna take care of it that Dr. Ben he's gonna do it. Oh, Jason, he runs a Liberty podcast. He'll like someone's taking care of it. I'm just gonna sit here and watch you know, q&a videos and hope that the white hats And so we kind of ran out of gas as far as like, you know, enough manpower to really put the pressure on them. And so I mean, that's what we're seeing is like, I get a lot of people were like, oh, yeah, I'm so glad you're working on this 5g issue. It's like, let's use your help. Do you want to call your state legislator? Oh, that sounds like a lot of work. I don't know. So really, until we get enough people like pounding on the door on this, like, we're not really gonna get anywhere. You know, I had a, I had a meeting with a friend of mine got elected to state house. Okay. Steve Kaiser. He's a rapid LD 15. You know, I was telling him like, Hey, I haven't gotten anybody to like, listen to me on this 5g thing. He's like, well listen to you. And then we sit down at a meeting. He's like, that sounds good. I'm gonna have to help you find another rep who's gonna be the sponsor of this bill. I'm like, Okay, awesome. And then he eventually comes back a month later, he's like, I can't find anybody wants to do it. So I'll do it. And then it comes back, like two weeks ago. It's like, I just can't do it. I got too much going on. So I'm, you know, now we're trying to put pressure on someone else. But like, the problem is, most people, at least in this state, have no idea who the heck their state legislators are. Okay? Like, I literally tell them, hey, you know, email your state senator and state legislator, like, Okay, I sent an email to Christian cinema. It's like, that's us, legislator. Okay, a different animal. All right, people just don't know. So it's like, and just their, like, their attention span. So divided. Anyway, I'm preaching the choir here. But basically, we could make some progress if we had more people involved, and who were passionate about it, and like, you know, willing to like, you know, release the hounds on, you know, the state government as it were.

Jason Davis:

Yeah. Now, we did get some good news out of children's health defense and their lawsuit against the FCC. Yes, they got a landmark ruling. And I don't want to steal your thunder. But explain that to everybody. Well, interesting

Dr. Ben Benulis:

that, because we just got a, there was a landmark ruling of them pulling an ad about vaccines. And the stage probably saw that, but that's unrelated. But yeah, basically, you know, don't worry about stealing my thunder. The FCC has called wireless radiation guidelines, okay. Like, it's not really a hard and fast rule. But it's like, really, people shouldn't be exposed to more than this. Like, we're not, we're not gonna we're gonna slap you on the wrist if you do it, but like, this is kind of the do not exceed number. And they came up with these numbers in 1996. Okay, literally 25 years ago. I mean, this was back in the age of like, one G and 2g, the Zack Morris cell phone, they really didn't know what was going to happen when they really rolled this out, you know, nationwide worldwide. And so it's like, based on very old evidence where they came up with these guidelines, and they're egregious Lee way too high, like the, the should be a lot lower number like other countries have, you know, 1010 times lower exposure limits, or 100 times or even 1000 times lower limits than the SEC does. And so, a lot of the assertions that 5g was safer based around well, it falls within the FCC guidelines. And so basically, children's health defense took the FCC to court and said, Look, you can't be like saying this about guidelines at 25 years old. Like it's just absurdity, like so much has changed. You got to update your guidelines. And they said, you know, and they're basically the FCC is owned by the wireless industry. So of course they go, Huh, and then you know, we take them to federal court, and then we win and then you know, basically they're gonna drag their their feet for you know, who knows how long but eventually, they got to update the guidelines.

Jason Davis:

Now does that does that bring any hope that this may halt these 5g Towers from going up all over the place?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

It's gonna be it's like suing the government it's especially the federal government like the higher you go the farther longer it takes, right? So it's kind of like you know, they knew that tobacco was unhealthy for you back in like I don't know 20 3040 years before they like really cracked down on and regulated it and so it's kind of be gonna be the kind of the same thing you know, where it's just like they're gonna drag their feet on admitting that it was you know, an absolute disaster and then by that time like damages current already been done so it's like we got to have just more people fighting the fight if we're gonna Google eventually get there but it's just like you know, the longer it takes, the more we lose so like, we'll get there eventually. I just don't know how long it's gonna take.

Jason Davis:

Oh, what is like for for you for your organization there Arizona safe tech. What is the plan or what are the initiatives? that you guys have going forward this next year more of the same just lobbying? Or do you have some other type of strategy going forward?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Honestly, we really don't have the manpower we've lost a lot of people who've dropped out of volunteering have gotten busy with other things. Because, you know, like, we've had people who are like literally sitting on our board who had to move out of state because they, their employer mandated the jab. And then they had to get another job and sell their house and all that stuff. So, you know, it's like, we really were like, really on the road. So honestly, we just like we have some things that we want to do. But we just don't really have the funds or the people to really like get it rolling.

Jason Davis:

Gotcha. Okay. So big push is going to be for volunteers and for funding going forward. It sounds like I mean,

Dr. Ben Benulis:

more. So volunteers and funding, like, it's not like we need a bunch of money to do this. We just need people who are like, willing to, you know, ride the asses of their city council and their state reps. That's the main thing. It's not like we got to throw a ton of money at this. But it's, it's more the, you know, people who are persistent and pesky with the government.

Jason Davis:

Yeah, activists. Okay. And then let's talk about COVID. A little bit. So when we talked before I told you the mandatory Vax was absolutely coming. And now it's here. Yeah. So now I see like overseas in Austria, and maybe one other place, they have the little chip that goes in your hand, or maybe they'll put it in your forehead, just like it says in Revelation, where they'll be able to track your vac status. I'm assuming 5g will allow that to happen, right.

Dr. Ben Benulis:

I mean, it'll facilitate it. I mean, they could still do with 4g, you know, like the existing wireless technology will still make it feasible. Let's just do it on a larger scale with with 5g, so yeah, I mean, I hadn't heard that. I heard that. I hadn't heard anything about the microchips actually being rolled out. I just heard like talk of it, like theoretical talk. But I mean, I suppose vaccine passports were theoretical talk a year ago. So I mean, it's like, everything seems that it was once a conspiracy theory is now true. You know, just Layne Maxwell just got convicted. I mean, you know, it's all it's all coming to pass.

Jason Davis:

So but you know, they did at least they sealed her little black book. So, you know, no one will ever know who else was involved in the court did a really great service to the country. What do you think is going to happen next with this COVID vaccine, we have a lot of lawsuits going. Children's Health defense is in the fight along with a bunch of other people I can, you know, so they've had some victories? I mean, do you think this is going to get quashed at least the federal level?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Um, good question. You know, everybody wants my prediction of like, what's going to happen in 2022? Like, I'm some sort of Prophet who's gonna be like, well, this is what's gonna go down, right? I can give you some theories of some scenarios of what I think's going to happen. So, I think that the United States is going to become very Patchwork, like there's going to be states like New York and California that are gonna get continually more oppressive, and they're going to continue to move here. Right. And, and then, you know, there's going to be states that just become freedom strongholds like Arizona to some degree, not as good as maybe like Florida or Texas, but like, we're, it's like, we kind of have to keep fighting to maintain it, you know, freedom isn't free, I suppose. As they say. And so you're like, things are just gonna continue to escalate in these in these oppressive states and cities and people are going to continue to leave. And so I think, to some degree, like economics is going to work out where it's just like it you know, employers aren't going to want to force vaccinate their employees is going to lose them and you know, like people are going to like housing prices in in these places are going to plummet and and you know, people are not going to go find jobs and they're going to leave and then the bad city so I think we're going to see like a polarization and like a, like a lot of like, you know, puzzle pieces shifting around to continue to go and I think that you know, places that were like destinations and like hotspots for industry, like you know, New York California are gonna like continue to collapse and like new economies are gonna start up. You know, I think that like, you know, I think people are going to continue to resist but it's not going to be like, the hero just swoops in with a sword like Braveheart before. Bad guys, it's over. Like, it's gonna be a protracted battle. I'm in a protracted war. And, you know, it's, it's gonna be a war of attrition, it's gonna be a slow war, it's gonna be kind of a Cold War. And I think eventually we're going to win. But like, things are gonna get dicey. And you know, people like you and I have woken up and it's, you know, it's going to take a lot worse to wake some of the rest of the people up, but eventually it's going to happen. And we're going to, there'll be a tipping point at some point, I suppose.

Jason Davis:

Yeah, I, I pretty much agree with most of that. So let's, let's kind of pivot and let's wrap up talking about something a little bit nicer, more positive. New Year's is here. Happy New Year early to you. But you're launching, I seen that you're doing this eight day juice cleanse? To help people launch the new year? I, I gotta hand it to you, Doc. I don't know if I mean, I'm intermittent faster. I can go 2448 hours. I don't know if I can do eight days. How do you do it?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Um, well, you know, you have community support. And that's why we're doing it. We got that dozen people signed up for this. And it's sort of like, when you got a team, and you got accountability and support, it makes it easier, right? Because if you're like, the only person in your household, like trying to eat healthy and exercise, and everyone else is like, sitting around watching Netflix and eating doughnuts, like it's a lot harder to pull it off, especially when they're like, What are you doing? What's that? Well, you sound low. So there's the accountability support to make it happen. So that's exciting. We're starting having that podcast. Finally, we'll be out by the time we're starting. But we're probably going to do a quarterly I've had a lot of people approach me and say, I want to do it, but the time is not right right now. So it's been well received. And I think it's gonna be a regular thing. So it's

Jason Davis:

great. That's great. And you know, I've been telling people for quite some time now, the best thing you can do is get healthy because you have to stay away from the healthcare system. I mean, there's just no, they've they've totally been outed as the enemy of the people. So you have, so you have to get healthy. Fasting is a phenomenal way to do that. So this juice cleanse thing is, is excellent. I'm glad to see you doing that. The other thing that you I saw is you have the your free guide to autoimmune disorders out. Tell us about that.

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Yeah, so basically, I wrote this free guide, and it's how to heal autoimmune is the basics of healing autoimmune disease, with diet lifestyle instead of drugs. Because as you talked about, we've seen the medical system as essentially racket, nobody ever gets, well, they just tend to get all your money. And so I came down with autoimmune disease 1112 years ago, and went through that whole like kind of meat grinder, as we'll call it. And that's when I kind of came to the realization that like, whole, this whole thing is a scam. And so that's when I kind of, you know, open the side hatch, tuck and roll, like get out of there, figure something else out and began like, just experimenting and researching and, and, you know, the diet was kind of last thing, everyone to touch. But when you're painted into a corner, and you're really sick, you'll give anything a shot. And so that's what I did. It took me some time to figure out what work but I reversed my disease completely without drugs. And so it just became something I became really passionate about. So this is kind of a guide that I wish I had back when I started. And I've got a full book coming out sometime in q1 of next year, I got a working with the editor now to wrap it up. But that'll be like that, I'm excited for that. So but like, you can put a link in the show notes to the blueprint. And that's just a good way to get started. And if you download it, you get on my email list. So when I'm putting out content, you can you can other I get interviewed a lot of podcasts, so I don't have my own, but you'll get that if you sign up.

Jason Davis:

Yeah, and I'll definitely put that link in the show notes. And let us know when the book comes out because I'd like to have you back to talk about it.


Sure. Sure. Jason awesome. Yeah.

Jason Davis:

So before we go I know you need a lot of help with Arizona's for safe tech so how can people find you and get involved if they want to?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Um, it's so right now AZ for safe Tech has joined up with children's health defense Arizona. So I believe the website is AZ dot children's health And you can go on there and get on our email list. And we're kind of like the, the, you know, the Fantastic Four of like, just fighting 5g vaccines, just like corporate criminals, corporate polluters, all that stuff. You know, it's Bobby Kennedy's organization. We have an Arizona chapter of it. And, you know, we really need people involved. So yeah, that would be the best way. Okay.

Jason Davis:

Yeah. And I've talked to the ladies that run that group before as well and super outfit really good. Doing good work. Ben, if people want to reach out to you directly, what's the best way to find you?

Dr. Ben Benulis:

Good question, because it is my name on all social media, Dr. Benjamin menulis. But I think I'm shadowbanned on most everything. So you can look for me on social media. It's also my name, Dr. Benjamin Bonilla. Calm is my website. You can sign up for my newsletter there. So that's the best way to get hold of me.

Jason Davis:

Perfect. Doc. Always a pleasure to talk to you. Thanks for coming back and Happy New Year again.

Dr. Ben Benulis:

All right. Happy New Year to you. Alright, well keep up the good work. We'll talk soon. All right, thanks.


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